Generational change
in the company

Generational succession is a long and complex process and, if on the one hand family businesses enjoy many advantages such as organizational flexibility, cohesion, family tradition etc., on the other it is also true that the complete merger between family and business can present some limits such as:

  1. Failure to distinguish between family relationships and company roles: family problems often tend to be transported within the company and from the company to family relationships, triggering conflicts that can have a negative impact on workers who are not members of the family and on the business.

  2. The rejection of new ideas: when the new generation begins to have new ideas and want to introduce new approaches to business, not in line with those of the founder, conflicts can be generated which could hinder the transition to the new generations.

  3. The lack of adequate training of the successor: the insufficient preparation of the heir represents a negative element that will lead the company to have to undergo the generational transition and all the improvised decisions that follow.

  4. For a family business, being able to effectively implement the generational transition and successfully overcome this delicate phase does not only mean giving continuity to the business but also carrying forward a family project. It is necessary to implement one of the main success factors of generational change in the company: planning.

  5. Definition of a common vision: each member expresses their own future vision of the company in order to arrive at a common vision;

  6. Succession planning: on the basis of the shared corporate vision, the medium-long term strategic objectives and related actions are concretely defined;

  7. Monitoring of activities: during this phase, and until the objectives of the transition are achieved, a systematic control of the planned actions takes place, verifying their implementation and making any changes;

  8. Our Team supports organizations in the passing of the baton from one generation to the next to guarantee continuity at a value and managerial level, while enhancing the personal inclinations and predispositions of the second generation.